RITSEC 2023 - Forensics / Red Team Activity 2

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Category : ritsec-ctf-2023

Picking Up Where We Left Off

In Red Team Activity 1, we filtered the provided auth.log down to only commands run from a TTY, and then found all vim commands that were run. This writeup will reference tty.log, which was created in the previous exercise by running grep -v 'tty:(none)' auth.log > tty.log

The Challenge

We were asked to find the name of the malicious service. Looking at our screenshot of vim entries from tty.log, we can actually see that a service called bluetoothd.service was touched. If this is a server and not a desktop, I’m not sure why we would ever want a bluetooth service running… This seems sus. grep 'vim' ttyl.log

Looking further into it

So we know that there’s probably more context around that entry. Let’s find the entry in the full auth.log to see what was going on around that time:

grep -n 'bluetoothd.service' auth.log

In the above command, the -n flag tells grep to provide the line number. We can see that the entries are on lines 252 and 253 of auth.log. With this information, we can open the file in your favorite editor/reader/whatever you want to use and skip to that line number.

What else is going on here?

Well, the attackers add the service and then enable it using systemctl, and then look at the auth.log file to see if their activity is being recorded. Their very next move is to instapp apache2, which is a bit odd. We don’t see any logout inbetween, and the command is using the same TTY. This is interesting, and we may want to remember that for later.


I enjoy that these challenges are really continuations of the previous challenge. Additionally, if you’re filtering in a smart way, they become way easier to pinpoint the attacks and what the red-teamers did. As an exercise for fun, you could look for other interesting commands such as adduser or useradd to see if they are creating a user for persistence, or maybe even authorized_keys.

About Leo Reading
Leo Reading

Leo is a recovering developer with an interest in cyber security - opinions may be misinformed.

About Leo

Leo is a recovering developer with an interest in cyber security - opinions may be misinformed.

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